Natura 2000 in the Mediterranean Region
Alternative title: | Natura 2000 im Mittelmeerraum Natura 2000 en la región mediterránea |
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Sundseth, Kerstin |
Other Persons: | Wegefelt, Susanne (contributor) |
Institutions: | Europäische Kommission / Generaldirektion Umwelt ; European Commission / Directorate-General for the Environment |
Publisher: |
Europäische Gemeinschaften / Amt für Amtliche Veröffentlichungen |
Subject: | EU-Umweltpolitik | EU environmental policy | Naturschutzgebiet | Nature reserve | EU | Frankreich | France | Griechenland | Greece | Malta | Mittelmeerraum | Mediterranean region | nachhaltige Entwicklung | sustainable development | Portugal | Spanien | Spain | Umweltpolitik | environmental policy | Zypern | Cyprus |
Extent: | 1406976 bytes 1381376 bytes 12 p. 1350 p. application/pdf |
Type of publication: | Book / Working Paper |
Language: | English ; German ; Spanish ; French |
ISBN: | 978-92-79-11587-5 ; 978-92-79-14717-3 ; 978-92-79-14716-6 |
Classification: | Protection of the environment ; Individual Reports, Studies ; Europe. General Resources |
Source: |
Towards sustainable and strategic management of water resources
Natura 2000 in the Macaronesian Region
Sundseth, Kerstin, (2009)
Exporthandbuch Windenergie 2003/04 : die europäischen Märkte im Vergleich
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Natura 2000 in the Boreal Region
Sundseth, Kerstin, (2009)
Natura 2000 in the Macaronesian Region
Sundseth, Kerstin, (2009)
Natura 2000 in der kontinentalen Region
Sundseth, Kerstin, (2009)
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