- I Executive summary (English)
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Evaluation of the Council Recommendation on harm reduction
- 3 Conclusions and suggestions for follow up
- II Résumé analytique (Français)
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Evaluation de la Recommandation du Conseil sur la réductiondes méfaits
- 3 Conclusions et suggestions de suivi
- III Kurzfassung (Deutsch)
- 1 Einleitung
- 2 Evaluierung der Empfehlung des Rates zu Schadensminimierung
- 3 Schlussfolgerungen und Vorschläge für weiteres Vorgehen
- IV Summary (Main report short version)
- 1 Objectives and methods
- 2 Epidemiological situation
- 3 Effectiveness of interventions
- 4 Implementation of CR 1
- 5 Implementation of CR 2
- 6 Implementation of CR 3
- 7 Conclusions and recommendations
- V Acknowledgements
- VI Main Report - long version
- 8 Introduction
- 8.1 Project objectives
- 9 Methods
- 9.1 Analysis of data available at the EMCDDA
- 9.2 Gap-survey
- 9.3 Policy maker survey
- 9.4 Consultation of stakeholders
- 9.5 Review of literature
- 9.6 Limitations
- 10 Effectiveness of interventions
- 11 Epidemiological situation concerning drug-related harm in the EU and candidate/acceding countries
- 12 Situation concerning supply of harm reduction in the EU andcandidate/acceding countries
- 13 Modelling the relation between harm reduction measures and drug-related harm in the EU and candidate/acceding countries
- 14 Conclusions and recommendations
- 15 Council Recommendation of 18 June 2003 on the prevention andreduction of health-related harm associated with drug dependence(2003/ 488/ EC)
- Abbreviations
- Literature
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