- PART 1 Data tables per indicator for all EU Member States
- Abstract
- Executive summary
- Methodology
- General data
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- Indicator 1: The budget and resources of courts and the justice system
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- Indicator 2: The judicial organisation
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- Indicator 3: The performances of courts at all stages of the proceedings
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- Indicator 4: Systems for measuring and evaluating the performance of courts
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- Indicator 5: Legal aid
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- Indicator 6: The ICT tools of courts and for court users
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- Indicator 7: Training of judges
- Comments...
- Indicator 8: The existence and use of alternative dispute resolution methods
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- Indicator 9: Professionals of justice
- Comments ...
- Indicator 10: The methods, sources and efficiency of national data collection
- Comments...
- PART 2 Country fiches for each EU Member States
- Austria (2013 data)
- Belgium (2013 data)
- Bulgaria (2013 data)
- Croatia (2013 data)
- Cyprus (2013 data)
- Czech Republic (2013 data)
- Denmark (2013 data)
- Estonia (2013 data)
- Finland (2013 data)
- France (2013 data)
- Germany (2013 data)
- Greece (2013 data)
- Hungary (2013 data)
- Ireland (2013 data)
- Italy (2013 data)
- Latvia (2013 data)
- Lithuania (2013)
- Luxembourg (2013 data)
- Malta (2013 data)
- Netherlands (2013 data)
- Portugal (2013 data)
- Romania (2013 data)
- Slovakia (2013 data)
- Slovenia (2013 data)
- Sweden(2013 data)
- Annex 1 List of the 100 tables presented in the study
- Annex 2 Table of correspondence between 2014 and 2015 figures
- Annex 3 Extract of the CEPEJ Scheme for evaluating judicial system
- Annex 4 Extract of the explanatory note to the scheme for evaluating judicial system
- Annex 5 Definitions of the Clearance Rate (CR) and the Disposition Time (DT)
Persistent link: https://www.econbiz.de/10011624860