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Labor markets in the transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe underwent adramatic transformation. Notably, this transformation took place within just a few years. Untilthe mid-2000s job opportunities were scarce and unemployment was high. But since thenlabor demand has picked up and...
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scientistscontribute substantially more to innovation than R&D workers hired from other firms who, inturn, contribute slightly less to … industrial innovation than recent university graduates. Bycontrast, immobile workers add little to the innovative activity of … their employer. We also findthat the contribution of mobile R&D workers to innovation depreciates fairly rapidly …
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We study the mapping between labor mobility and industrial innovative activity for thepopulation of R&D active Danish firms observed between 1999 and 2004. Our studydocuments a positive relationship between the number of workers who join a firm and thefirm’s innovative activity. This...
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Innovation is key to technology adoption and creation, and to explaining the vast differencesin productivity across and … survey from Sri Lanka totest this model and to examine whether and how owner characteristics matter for innovation.The survey … also allows analysis of the incidence of innovation in micro and small firms, whichhave traditionally been overlooked in …
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We empirically investigate the impact of incentive scheme structure on the degree ofcooperation in firms using a unique and representative data set. Combining employee surveydata with detailed firm level information on the relative importance of individual, team, andcompany performance for...
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We investigate a team setting in which workers have different degrees of commitment to theoutcome of their work. We show that if there are complementarities in production and if theteam manager has some information about team members, interventions that the managerundertakes in order to assure...
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In this paper we show that subtle forms of deceit undermine the effectiveness of incentives.We design an experiment in which the principal has an interest in underreporting the trueperformance difference between the agents in a dynamic tournament...
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The main objective of this study is to investigate the impact of corporate R&D activities onfirms’ performance, measured by labour productivity. To this end, the stochastic frontiertechnique is applied, basing the analysis on a unique unbalanced longitudinal datasetconsisting of 532 top...
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This paper studies the impact of product and labor market regulations on informality andunemployment in a general framework where formal and informal firms are subject to thesame externalities, differing only with respect to some parameter values. Both formal andinformal firms have monopoly...
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This paper examines the effect of global transition to simpler, flatter income tax systems onthe size of the shadow economy. By offering a new estimation framework, the paper revivesthe traditional electricity consumption approach to measuring the shadow economy. Itovercomes the limitations of...
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