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The purpose of this paper is to examine dynamic interdependence between wealth accumulation, capital accumulation, economic structure, domestic and global division of labor, international trade and environmental change with transboundary pollution. It analyzes not only inequalities in income,...
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We study experimentally how taxpayers choose between two taxregimes to fund a public good. The first-best tax regime imposes ageneral, distortion-free income tax. However, this tax cannot be enforced.The second-best alternative supplements the income tax by a specificcommodity tax. This tax...
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Our objective in this paper is to assess the acceptability of the ambient tax. Concretely,we ask subjects to choose between (A) an ambient tax and (B) an individual tax system. Incase (A), they actually participate in a game in which their payout depends on all participants'decisions and on...
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'Until not much more than 20 years ago, economists frequently lamented the fact that they were limited in their empirical analyses to statistical assessments of market behavior, because controlled economic experiments were (thought to be) infeasible, unethical, or both. Much has changed in the...
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Inwieweit die Konstruktion der deutschen Einlagensicherung das Systemrisiko eines allgemeinen Bank-run reduzieren kann und in diesem Sinne aus Sicht einer an diesem System beteiligten Bank bzw. deren Einleger als effizient zu bewerten ist, ist umstritten. Im folgenden sollen daher Ansätze zu...
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Die Bundesnetzagentur hat am 26. Mai 2008 ihren Abschlussbericht zur Einführungeiner Anreizregulierung im Eisenbahnsektor vorgelegt. Ein zentrales Element der geplantenPrice-Cap-Formel ist der X-Faktor, der den allgemeinen Produktivitätsfortschrittund spezifische Effizienzsteigerungspotentiale...
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The paper analyses the use of absorbed organizational slack in the context ofits structure of value. The advantages of medium term use are being opposedto the short term reduction of slack. On the basis of the cost function elementsit will be shown that instead of an optimal slack amount a...
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This study is the latest issue of «The International Private Banking Study» publishedin 2007, 2005 and 2003. In total 263 (2007: 253) financial institutions focusingon private wealth management were analyzed. Data covers the period from1990 to 2008. The sample includes banks from Austria,...
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