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various platforms provide new questions and promising research opportunities for marketing researchers. This monograph begins … design, formats, and features that are currently debated in the marketing literature. Some of these issues are extensions of …. We also look at strategic and behavioral models that are shaping marketing research on Internet auctions. Particular …
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paradigm of taste testing can and should be used to examine the effect of strategic and tactical marketing mix decisions in … where consumers may not be able to accurately explicate the reasons for their product experience, but that drive marketing …
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In two experiments, we show that the beliefs women have about the controllability of their weight (i.e., weight locus of control) influences their responses to advertisements featuring a larger-sized female model or a slim female model. Further, we examine self-referencing as a mechanism for...
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Understanding online price acceptance and its determining factors can be essential if the companies try to manage different type of channels. The paper aimed to reveal the role of enduring involvement in price acceptance in a multichannel (online and offline) context. The study revealed that the...
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egymásra és miért válhat a divat ezáltal gazdasági, marketing húzóerővé …
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In a world that may be described by information revolution, it is becoming more and more important to discover the diffusion of information and news in a new technological environment. We are not dependent but, more in control of receiving and forwarding information in this technology driven...
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Our research aimed to reveal the effects that can be observed during the buying process of food products and can influence the decisions of customers. We focused on the role of enduring involvement in customers’ behavioural loyalty, that is, the repurchase of food brands. To understand this...
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A marketing koncepciónak kezdetektől fogva a vevőorientáció az egyik kulcsfogalma. Tulajdonképpen annak a … concept of marketing since the beginning. As a matter of fact, the emergence of marketing and the conceptual distinction … between marketing and the related management disciplines can be attributed to this new approach, which put customer needs in …
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Hazánk felsőoktatásának versenyképessége szempontjából egyre kiemelkedőbb szerepe van annak, hogy sikeresen jelenjen meg a nemzetközi piacokon, minél több nemzetközi diákot vonzzon Magyarországra és sikerüljön elégedettséget kiváltó teljesítményt nyújtani számukra, hogy...
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A családi közösség vizsgálata lehetőséget kínál a fogyasztás közösségi jellegének a megértésére mind a családtagok egyéni, mind közösségi kapcsolatainak a szempontjából. Jelen kutatás fiatal felnőttek családi eseményekről írt esszéit elemzi annak érdekében, hogy...
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