Showing 1 - 10 of 654
Showcasing data from all areas of the ILC program and other sources, Charting International Labor Comparisons is a gateway to explore how key labor market and other national economic measurements compare across countries. There are links to previous editions of the Chartbook of International...
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This paper integrates market research within this lead user methodology and report a test of it in the rapidly evolving field of computer-aided systems for the design of printed circuit boards (PC-CAD).
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Developing new innovative products in the automotive industry means investing huge sums in advance, as one does not know if th product will be successful on the market after launch. The paper discusses the results of a qualitative meta-analysis of 16 empirical studies on New Product Development...
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Das Produkt- und Programmmanagement ist einer der entscheidenden Faktoren fürden Erfolg von Unternehmen in allen Branchen.1 Dabei entwickelt sich vor allem dieProduktinnovation vor dem Hintergrund weitgehend gesättigter Märkte, schnellentechnologischen Wandels, qualitäts- und kostenbewusster...
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We examine how information technology (IT) contributes to organizational change,labor demand, and improved productivity …-level characteristics and the endogeneity of IT use. IT investments do,however, appear to improve police productivity when complemented with …
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Kernmarkt, Innovationund Diversifikation oder Internationalisierung. Die Würth-Gruppe undMerz Pharma sind Beispiele für die …
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This paper examines patterns of structural change and labour productivity growth in the late nineteenth … capital growth, it seeks to address three questions: First, what was the role of labour productivity growth in per capita … labour productivity growth in Austria-Hungary as compared to Germany? The paper argues that, in contrast to the Hungarian …
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Theory predicts that mandated employment protections may reduce productivity by distortingproduction choices. Firms …-discharge protections by U.S. state courts over the last three decades to evaluatethe link between dismissal costs and productivity... …
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reform and devolution for inequality and well-beingin the largest and most diverse city in the United States.The project uses … these data by population andover time, we hope to address questions that are at the coreof current debates about inequality … in the United States:How great is inequality? Does income inequality exaggerate,or reflect, inequality in material and …
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Dissertation vom Institut für Informationsmanagement imIngenieurwesen (IMI) der Universität Karlsruhe (TH). Ingenieurwissenschaftliche Arbeit mit betriebswirtschaftlicher Relevanz.
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