• Executive Summary
  • Résumé
  • Zusammenfassung
  • Introduction
  • 1 The international and EU law context
  • 1.1 The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - an introduction
  • 1.2 The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and non-discrimination
  • 1.3 The duty to accomodate under the EmploymentEquality Directive
  • 1.4 The prohibition of discrimination and the duty to accomodate beyond employment - the CRPD and the 2008 proposal
  • ...
  • 1.5 Conclusion
  • 2 National legislation relating to disability - an overview
  • 2.1 Constitutional and general principles addressing disability discrimination
  • ...
  • 2.2 Provisions in national constitutions on participation and integration/inclusion adn social welfare/rehabilitation issues
  • ...
  • 2.3 Direct effect of national constitutional provisions
  • ...
  • 2.4 Human rights charters and other statutory instruments seeking to embed rights
  • ...
  • 2.5 Conclusion on constitutional and general principles addressing disability discrimination
  • 3 National legislation prohibiting disability discrimination that falls within the scope of the 2008 proposal
  • 3.1 National non-discrimination law that prohibits disability discrimination in the fields of social protection, including healthcare, education and access to goods and services, including housing
  • ...
  • 4 Legislation on the integration of personsn with disabilities (not covering discrimination) that falls within the scope of the 2008 proposal
  • ...
  • 5. Reasonable accomodation duties in the member states
  • ...
  • 6 Social protection
  • ...
  • 7 Education
  • ...
  • 8 Goods and services
  • ...
  • 9 Conclusion
  • 10 Bibliography
  • ...
  • Annex I Comparative table
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