- Executive Summary
- Introduction
- EU Proposal
- International context
- Structure of the report
- I Domestic regulation of discrimination
- 1.1 Introduction
- 1.2 States providing protection across the material scope of Council Directive2000/43 in respect of all relevant grounds
- 1.3 States providing broad (but notcomprehensive) protection fromd iscrimination in relation to all the relevant grounds
- 1.4 States providing significant protection in relation to all or most of the relevant grounds beyond the material scope of Council Directive 2000/78
- 1.5 States providing uneven protection in relation to the relevant grounds
- 1.6 States providing limited protection in relation to the relevant grounds
- 1.7 Conclusion
- II Approaches to “discrimination”
- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 Definitions of discrimination
- 2.3 Harassment and freedom of expression
- 2.4 Reasonable accommodation
- 2.5 Positive action
- III Material and personal scope
- 3.1 Personal Scope
- 3.1.1 Liability for Discrimination
- 3.1.2 Protection from Discrimination
- 3.1.3 Vicarious/ third party liability
- 3.2 Material Scope
- IV General exceptions
- 4.1 Introduction
- 4.2 General justification defences
- 4.3 An alternative approach: detailed statutory exceptions
- 4.4 Exceptions concerned with religious autonomy
- 4.5 Implied exceptions to prohibitions on discrimination
- 4.6 Concluding remarks on exceptions
- V Enforcement
- 5.1 Introduction
- 5.2 Effectiveness
- 5.3 Judicial enforcement: the problem of costs
- 5.4 Alternative means of enforcement
- 5.5 Remedies
- Conclusion
- ANNEX: The state of play across the 33 states
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