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Vorliegendes Arbeitspapier analysiert die Einflüsse intertemporaler Renditezusammenhänge und fester Startwerte in Vektorautoregressions-(VAR-) Modellen für stetige Renditen anhand des Vergleichs mit einem statischen Random-Walk-Modell.
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This paper studies the impact of EMU on portfolio diversification opportunities.
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This paper identifies low frequency movements in the time series of return dispersions suggestive of cycles and long swings in return correlations.
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This paper deals with the country allocation provides benefits over industry allocation in a sample of European country and industry indexes.
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Die zunehmende Globalisierung der weltweiten Realwirtschaften hat zu einem Anstieg derKorrelationen zwischen den Aktienmärkten der unterschiedlichen Länder geführt. Damit einhergehendwird für internationale Aktieninvestoren eine Länderdiversifikation ihrer Aktienportefeuillesimmer weniger...
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sollten. Deshalb zeigt diese Arbeit die möglichen Vorteile einer internationalen Diversifikation von Aktienportfolios in CEE …
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The minimisation of the return variance is one of the classical topics of portfolio theory. One of the main difficulties of variance minimisation is the neccessary input factors- variances and covariances- of the assets of the investment universe- are unknown. Often these variances and...
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We calculate optimal portfolio choices for a long-horizon, risk-averse investor who diversifies amongEuropean stocks, bonds, real estate, and cash, when excess asset returns are predictable. Simulations areperformed for scenarios involving different risk aversion levels, horizons, and...
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This paper aims to show that the accuracy of real estate portfolio valuations and of real estate risk management can be improved through the simultaneous use of Monte Carlo simulations and options theory. Our method considers the options embedded in Continental European lease contracts drawn up...
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Recent research [e.g., DeMiguel, Garlappi and Uppal, (2009), Rev. Fin. Studies] has cast doubts on the out-of-sample performance of optimizing portfolio strategies relative to naive, equally weighted ones. However, existing results concern the simple case in which an investor has a one-month...
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