• Executive summary
  • Section 1 Assessment of past and on going assistance
  • 1.1 Introduction
  • 1.2 Overview of past and on-going assistance (EC and other assistance) including lessons learned
  • ...
  • Section 2 Pre-accession assistance strategy for the period 2009-2011
  • 2.1 Introduction
  • 2.2 Strategic objectives and choices for IPA assistance over the period 2009-2011
  • ...
  • 2.3 Multi-annual planning by component
  • Component Transition Assistance and Institution Building
  • 1. Objectives and choices for assistance
  • 2. Expected results by the end of the covered period and measurable indicators
  • 3. Financial allocations
  • Component II Cross Border Co-operation
  • 1. Objectives and choices for assistance
  • 1.1 CBC with EU Member States
  • 1.2 CBC with potential candidate countries
  • 1.3 Participation in ERDF trans-national programmes
  • 2. Expected results by the end of the covered period and measurable indicators
  • 3. Financial allocations
  • Component III Regional Development
  • 1. Objectives and choices for assistance
  • 1.1 Major areas of intervention
  • ...
  • 1.2 Main priorities and objectives
  • ...
  • 2. Programmes to be implemented in pursuit of these areas of intervention
  • 2.1 Environmental OP
  • 2.2 Transportation OP
  • 2.3 Regional Competitiveness OP
  • 3. Expected results by the end of the covered period and measurable indicators
  • 3.1 Environment
  • 3.2 Transport
  • 3.3 Regional competitiveness
  • 4. Financial indications
  • Component IV Human Resources Development
  • 1. Objectives and choices for assistance
  • 1.1 Major areas of intervention
  • 1.2 Main priorities and objectives
  • ...
  • 2. Programme to be implemented in pursuit of these priorities
  • 3. Expected results by the end of the covered period and measurable indicators
  • 4. Financial indications
  • Component V Rural Development
  • 1. Objectives and choices for assistance
  • 2. Programme to be implemented in pursuit of these priorities
  • 3. Expected results...
  • 4. Financial allocations
  • Annexes
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