• Glossary of Acronyms
  • Preface
  • Executive Summary
  • Rezumat
  • Main report
  • 1. Introduction
  • 1.1 Objectives
  • 1.2 Background and context
  • 1.3 Evaluation Questions
  • 2. Performance of PHARE Assistance
  • 2.1 Overall, Phare could only achieve mixed performance
  • 2.2 Assistance was not strategically based until recently
  • 2.3 Assistance was disbursed with pervasive delays
  • 2.4 Phare sectoral institution building for the acquis generally performed well
  • 2.5 Positive immediate and some intermediate impact, but limited wider impact
  • 2.6 Pre-conditions for sustainability are building up
  • 3. Thematic/crosscutting findings
  • 3.1 Romania's pre-accession process was heaviliy dependent on Phare assistance
  • 3.2 Phare's achievements underminded by slow progress on horizontal administrative and judicial capacity
  • 3.3 National preparations for STructural Funds have recently accelerated with encouraging results
  • 4. Conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations
  • 4.1 Conclusions
  • 4.2 Lessons learned
  • 4.3 Recommendations
  • Annexes
  • Annex 1 Terms of reference
  • Annex 2 Phare National and CBC Programmes Data for Romania 1999-2004
  • Annex 3 Evaluation Planning Summmary Sheet
  • Annex 4 Evaluation Indicators
  • Annex 5 Sample projects 1999-2004 - Financial data and results
  • Annex 6 Delays in Project implementations
  • Annex 7 Case Study on RICOP
  • Annex 8 List of Documents
  • Annex 9 List of interviews
Persistent link: https://www.econbiz.de/10011476814