- Glossary of Acronyms
- Preface
- Executive Summary
- Main report
- 1. Introduction
- 1.1 Objectives
- 1.2 Background and context
- 1.3 Evaluation Questions
- 1.4 Limitations affecting the evaluation
- 2. Performance of PHARE Assistance
- 2.1 Successful overall performance
- 2.2 Design reflected relevant accession needs
- 2.3 Inputs successfully transferred into planned outputs
- 2.4 Intended results/ immediate impacts successfully achieved
- 2.5 Substantial impact addresses wider objectives
- 2.6 Phare support is sustainable
- 3. Thematic/crosscutting findings
- 3.1 Slovenia's technical preparations for accession has been improved by Phare
- 3.2 Slovenia's administrative and judical capacity has been strengthened by Phare
- 3.3 Phare preparation for SF was successful but limited
- 4. Conclusions and lessons learned
- 4.1 Conclusions
- 4.2 Recommendations and Lessons learned
- Annexes
- Annex 1 Terms of reference
- Annex 2 Phare National and CBC Programmes Data for Slovenia 1999-2001
- Annex 3 Evaluation Planning Summmary Sheet
- Annex 4 Evaluation Indicators
- Annex 5 Sample projects - Financial data and results
- Annex 6 Good practice - example of a monitoring sheet of the ECO Fund
- Annex 7 List of documents
- Annex 8 List of Interviews
- Annex 9 Respondents to Questionnaires
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