• Executive Summary
  • Synthèse analytique
  • Zusammenfassung
  • 1.1 The role of men and the European gender equality environment
  • 1.2 The EU gender equality policy and caring masculinity
  • 1.3 Research background
  • 1.4 Methodology and research structure
  • 2 Education
  • 2.1 Introduction
  • At a glance
  • 2.2 Basic results
  • 2.3 Analysis
  • 2.4 Conclusions and recommendations
  • Recommendations
  • 3 Work
  • 3.1 Introduction
  • At a glance
  • 3.2 Basic results
  • 3.3 Analysis: horizontal segregation
  • 3.4. Analysis: vertical segregation
  • 3.5 Analysis: men and workplace cultures
  • 3.6 Conclusions and recommendations<br<Recommendations
  • 4 Care, family and households
  • 4.1 Introduction
  • At a glance
  • 4.2 Basic results
  • 4.3 Analysis
  • 4.4 Conclusions and recommendations
  • Recommendations
  • 5 Overall Topics
  • 5.1 Gender-based violence, men and gender equality
  • 5.2 Men’s health
  • 5.3 Political representation and men’s involvement in gender equality
  • 6 Conclusion
  • 6.1 Men and gender equality: a crucial connection
  • 6.2 Caring masculinities
  • 6.3 Recommendations to strengthen the role of men in gender equality
  • 7 Annex: References
  • 7.1 Chapter 1 – Introduction
  • 7.2 Chapter 2 – Education
  • 7.3 Chapter 3 – Work
  • 7.4 Chapter 4 – Care, family and households
  • 7.5.1 Chapter 5.1 – Violence
  • 7.5.2 Chapter 5.2 – Health
  • 7.5.3 Chapter 5.3 – Political Representation
  • 7.6 Chapter 6 – Conclusion
  • 7.7 Country reports
  • 7.8 Interviews with international experts
  • 7.9 Workshop proceedings
  • 7.10 Workshop background and discussion papers
  • 8 Annex: Additional tables and figures
  • 9 Annex: Country Factsheets
  • 10 Annex: An international perspective on the current situation of men and genderequality<br<10.1 Australia
  • 10.2 Canada
  • 10.3 Brazil and Mexico (OECD countries)
  • 10.4 USA
Persistent link: https://www.econbiz.de/10010527937