• 1.1 Background
  • 1.2 Basis of the education system: principles u0096- legislation
  • 1.3 Distribution of responsibilities for the organisation and administration of the education and training system
  • 1.4 Inspection
  • 1.5 Financing
  • 1.6 Advisory and consultative bodies
  • 1.7 Private Schools
  • 2. Pre-primary Education
  • 2.1 Organisation
  • 2.2 Curriculum/Assessment
  • 2.3 Teachers
  • 2.4 Statistics
  • 3. Compulsory Education/Training
  • 3A Primary Education
  • 3A.1 Organisation of the school
  • 3A.2 Curriculum
  • 3A.3 Assessment/certification/guidance
  • 3A.4 Teachers
  • 3A.5 Statistics
  • 3B Compulsory Secondary Education (Junior Cycle)
  • 3B.1 Organisation of the school
  • 3B.2 Curriculum
  • 3B.3 Assessment/certification/guidance
  • 3B.4 Teachers
  • 3B.5 Statistics
  • 4. Post-Compulsory Secondary Education (Senior Cycle)
  • 4.1 Organisation of the school
  • 4.1.A Transition Year
  • 4.1.B Leaving Certificate
  • 4.2 Teachers
  • 4.3 Statistics
  • 5. Initial Vocational Education/Training
  • 5.1 Organisation
  • 5.2 Education and Training Establishments
  • 5.3 Financing
  • 5.4 Curriculum
  • 5.5 Assessment/qualifications/guidance
  • 5.6 Teachers/Trainers
  • 6. Higher education
  • 6.1 Admission requirements
  • 6.2 Fees/Financial support for students
  • 6.3 Academic Year
  • 6.4 Courses
  • 6.5 Assessment/qualification
  • 6.6 Teachers
  • 6.7 Statistics
  • 7. Adult Education
  • 7.1 Legislation
  • 7.2 Administration
  • 7.3 Funding
  • 7.4 Organisation
  • 7.5 Main providers of adult education and training
Persistent link: https://www.econbiz.de/10009636291